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Mavi Rodriguez

Pre-Surgery Preparation and Post-Surgical Recovery Coaching

Four Weeks Pre-Surgery Preparation and Eight Weeks Post-Surgical Recovery Coaching

Four Weeks Pre-Surgery Preparation

Four weeks before your scheduled procedure, we will work with you to ensure that you are mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for your procedure. Our mental health and nutrition and supplement coaching guided by genetic testing will customize your plan for the best possible results and to ensure that you are fully prepared for your procedure and what will follow.

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Eight Weeks Post-Surgical Recovery Coaching

Post-surgical recovery coaching begins immediately following the surgical procedure. The four weeks of work before surgery lays the foundation for what will come next. This next step in the program includes mental health, nutrition, and supplement coaching. Clients will be assigned a patient coordinator who will walk with them through every step of their journey. After your recovery, we utilize the same tools we used before your procedure, including mental health and nutritional coaching, to ensure that you maintain optimal mental, emotional, and physical health after your recovery is over.

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