MAVI - Hey guys, I'm so excited to have the THE FAJA doctor on today. So for those of you who don't know who the doctor is,I'm going to let her introduce herself. But I found her somehow on Instagram, her page came up and when I saw her, I checked her out. I was like, wow, I really like this. I need her on my show! She customizes FAJAS !

sDiana - much thanks so much for having me. So I'm Diana also known as The Faja doctor. I actually started this business a little over six months ago, but it has really taken off like crazy. So I have actually, I'm trying to be as humble as possible as I say what I'm about to say, but I have turned into like something kind of like insider tip in the plastic surgery community and anyone who in a plastic surgery community knows that it's a lot like a , it's like a secret society, like once you're in it. And then you, you know, you learn all of the, all of these different things that you only learn when you're in the society. And I have somehow grown into that. So essentially again, in short, what I do is faja alterations. Like I will take your faja , and I will customize them to your body, especially because of how much change we all go through. After we have liposuction, BBL , tummy, tuck , you name it. No [inaudible] comes out of the bag. Perfect. And that's actually what right. And that's exactly what I was faced with when , when I started my journey. So like I mentioned, I started this business. It was mid November of 2020. I had my surgery in mid September of 2020. I got a BBL, you know, life for 360 chill life, all of that, all that fun stuff, by the way. So worth it. Totally life-changing it best right ? Best decision ever. Like if you're thinking about it, do it, just make sure you pick the right surgeon and you do your research.

Mavi- That's why we're here. That's why that's my goal. Pick the right surgeon, help them pick the right path. So they have great results and they have a great experience and they don't have any regrets.

DIANA- Absolutely, absolutely. Plastic surgery has been around for quite a while . Women have always been hugely into beauty, obviously, right? We want to feel confident. We want to feel beautiful. We want to comfortable in our skin. We want to be attractive. So beauty has been around for a long time. I'm sorry, plastic surgery, but it really is just now truly being like, it's , what's the word I'm looking for is that well, mainstream , I think we're getting more and more accepted for sure. You're right. It's slowly becoming more socially acceptable, but there is still a lot of people out there. There's still a lot of naysayers and there's a lot of naysayers who have just recently turned into [inaudible] and gotten their bodies done themselves and, you know, have been converted that way, but either way. So there's still a lot of research that needs to be done. A lot of things that we need to understand. But when I started and like I said, I had my surgery in September of 20, 20, just eight months ago. Right. There was absolutely nobody doing file alterations . At least not the way that I was doing it. You know, like the whole social media platform and everything. And I remember at four and a half weeks, and mind you, I used to work at one of the largest financial institutions in the world. Like I was nowhere near doing any type of anything around sewing. I was not a seamstress. I had a side hustle before doing interior design where I did a little bit, like already had a sewing machine and some basic skills. But like, you know, it's not like my background, but anyways, so , um, I'm four and a half weeks into my recovery and I'm swimming in my thigh . And I know a lot of people can relate to that statement probably exactly. Right? Like I'm swimming in my head . I'm like, what the heck am I supposed to do now? So I'm researching. Cause I'm a research machine I'm researching. What can I do? Who was offering this type of service? Should I be going down a size? But that doesn't make any sense in my head because my foot is huge. It's already tight in this thought , how , why would I go down a size? That makes no sense. So then I go on YouTube, trusty, dusty, YouTube, how I learned to cook. So I'm like YouTube, YouTube. I know. Right? I do too . Has to have the answer here. I am looking for it. Does the point? It nothing. They actually let me take that back. There was one video of, she bless her heart. She tried her hardest, but it was awful. Like it was, you know, using, you know, the really fake thread that you make scarves out of . And then , like I said, bless her heart. She tried, she did something and tried to help others. So I commend her for that. It was not the right way of doing it. And I was like, okay, well that's not an option for me. So I kept struggling in my loose file . And then I was like, you know what, let me pull out the sewing machine and give this a try. Like, I don't know what I'm doing, but you, you're not gonna learn it until you actually do it. Long story short. And in this plastic surgery world, it's so new and there's so many kind of specialties that are coming out of it. For example, lymphatic drainage, massage of post care nurses, you have your custom alterations, you have your recovery, recovery homes, you have all of these kind of very specific things to plastic surgery. They don't go to any other specialty. I mean, I guess you could do it for cosmetic dentistry, but that's about it. No, you're, you're a hundred percent. It's very niche. Like this niche literally fell into my lap. So like I said, I finally, like, I snatched my FA I put it on. It's really tight. It felt amazing. I was like, oh my God, like, I don't feel miserable anymore because you know how you, like when you get life with section two to the listeners who have never had it yet and are just like filling their research phase , it was this very, very distinct feeling that there's no way to really describe it unless you had it. It's like, you essentially know you're swelling up. It's it's a very weird feeling. It's uncomfortable. It doesn't hurt, but it's uncomfortable. And you're , you're feeling like you're blowing up like a balloon. And if you're not wearing your compression, you get that feeling. And it's just uncomfortable. It's miserable. So once I had this fast match , it was amazing. So I slept in it because you're still supposed to sleep in it early on. I slept in it. The next day I woke up, I took my foot off to take a shower and my jaw was on the floor. Like I had to pick it back up and put it on my face because my waist was visibly smaller over night . And like, when you were kind of chunky and you had liposuction and all of a sudden your waist , the smile , you're going to be jumping [inaudible] , it's so amazing. It's like, oh my God, this is what I'm going to look like. Oh my God, like all this money that I worked hard for and, you know, thing , right? Like whatever the situation may be. I'm finally seeing what I paid for. Like, it's so cool. And then I was just like, I was on fire. I was like, oh my God, I have to do something with this. Like if I needed the service and I've benefited so much from this, I need to take it to the public. And I literally, I just started an Instagram account and a lot of my background from my corporate job, I was like big into executive communications and like really cool presentations and then for graphics . So that's like one of my skillsets . And I took that over to the PHA doctor and I started creating guides on how do you buy an Amazon site ? Like you don't have to go on or something else and get a custom fab because a they're going to end up on my desk anyway . And B they're so expensive and you have to wait forever. And this is time sensitive. Like we don't have time. We have time. I just, I just got out of my media, my need to get into a small today. Yeah. And really, I have to actually say the whole medium to small that that is, I think it's flawed because especially, especially if you had to BBL and, and this is unless your surgeon, for some reason, put you in a ginormous Baja , but you should not be going down the side because your butt should not be going down a size . Like your butt is going to be roughly the same. And we want to make sure that we the same size. It's your waist that keeps on shrinking. Yes, you're absolutely right. But BBL booties do come down a little bit. They do. Yep . Yep . With the swelling you are in a special team like with garments, it's not just for lipo BBL. It's for tummy tucks too . You need your garment altered and customized to fit you for a time . Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. A lot of my clients also had tummy texts and from a five perspective, it's pretty much the same thing. So like, you know, on the back end with the recovery, it's the same thing. Like yes, you have to, if you had to tell me tech and no BBL, sure. You don't have to worry about compressing your, but you could potentially get like a tighter fi , but everything else is still about the same and yes, you do want it to fit comfortably. A lot, a lot of women have thicker thighs. Do you want your fat head to not cut off the blood supply, going to the rest of your body? So you , how many times, like , right, exactly. Right, right, right. So what I was mentioning earlier is how essentially how I started this business and how it took off. So fast. Once I started my Instagram, I created a guide on how to buy a house on Amazon, essentially how to measure yourself the right way to order right before your surgery so that you're prepared. And when you're miserable and swollen and recovering, you don't have to worry about like, oh shoot. Now I have to buy a stage [inaudible] . So I put together multiple different guides. And my first guide, the Amazon fire buying guide it we're talking 10 pages, very high level. Like I mentioned, I specialize in executive communications specifically saying that because executives don't have time to read a whole bunch of text . So I like to break everything down to the absolute, most necessary tech . So I put that guide together. And a lot of you guys, again, back to my secret society comments earlier, the surgery room, it's another one of those, like, you know, if you're in it, you're in it, you understand it. So the surgery room, which is essentially like, it has grown into like the TMD of plastic surgery, right . So she actually repost that my guide and ever since then it literally took off. And I've been like, just getting so many followers that I have just hit 12,000 followers. And I told you I'm , I'm, I'm a good six months in, I think that's literally mind blowing for a no-name . Cause I started off. I was nobody. I mean, I was me. I love me, but like, I , I didn't have like a presence in the social media world. It's something that I personally have dealt with is we deal with this imposter syndrome. Like, what do I know? How do , what do I, you know, me, little old me, how am I going to know how to do this? And people are going to listen to what I have to say. And, you know, by my garment, my customized garment in a , we just have to understand that there is people that know less than us and we have to share the knowledge that we have. So absolutely you gained a skill and now you're sharing it with the world and it's needed. People need it . And I have clients mailing fast. Majority of my clients are US-based, but I get clients from like other countries that send me their garments for alterations. Cause I do both Malin and in person here in Chicago land, but it's going really well. And people are actually really grateful and it really warms my heart and I love it. And you know, it's back to what you were saying just now women actually. And that's a thing that I wish more women had the balls, or just had a few role models that they could look up to, but you don't have to be afraid. Like if you have a strong feeling about something and you know, it's good just to do it, like do it, do you think, take it to the next level. What's the worst that can happen. What's the worst that can happen. And really, if anything, failure, I embrace failure to the max because every time I make a mistake, every time I fail, every time I fall, I am faced with the challenge of how do I come out of this and grow out of this. And it's , it's amazing. And that's actually how I learned by alteration, trial and error experimenting on my own garments because like I have a really big ratio between my waist and my hips. It's almost 20 inches. So I actually, there were so many mistakes that I made that now are benefiting my other clients that I see that do also have a bigger ratio, which I have a lot of clients with crazy curves. Like it's , by the way, it was beautiful. I love it. All I work with is beautiful women. It's fantastic. I'm not complaining. I'm not into women, but at the same time, beautiful view, we get to appreciate these beautiful, appreciating everything. Not to mention the personalities. I feel like I have a whole bunch of friends, all of a sudden, it's amazing. But you know, whenever I started this podcast, it came to me in a idea because I actually left plastic surgery at last year. Uh, because of COVID I had to stay home with my kids. And so I tried something else. I was trying something else and my heart just wasn't in it. And w I , you know, I had to sit there and really think, what is it that I missed ? What is it that I'm missing from my work, from what I did and what I was missing was the friendships and the relationships that I built with my patients and my, you know, girls who would come see us and get their recommendations. And they would talk to me and maybe they weren't ready to book, but they would talk to me for months. And, you know, years, sometimes years I would follow up with them. And, you know, every six months they would talk to me or, you know, stuff like that. And I missed it so much that I thought, what, how can I still have that? You know, how can I still have that? Share my knowledge, share everything that I know. And if I don't know, I'm sure I can find the answer for you. If I don't, if you have a question that I can't answer, I will hold that thought. Let me find out. And I'll come right back to you. So this podcast has really been a, has given me that love back. I love it. I can totally relate to you because as much as I appreciate the company that I used to work for it, like really set me up out of college and everything. I at my heart, wasn't in it. But I like you where you already knew what you loved . I didn't have that before. And it literally fell into my lap and I took it and ran with it to grow it. And I ran with it. And I remember I was, I was so excited. I was like, dude, like I went to, I went to my husband's office, I'm in my office right now. My husband's office is, you know, COVID we had to turn living rooms into offices at this point. But his office is like, literally on the other side of this wall to my right. And I walked over and I was like, dude, you have no idea. I just stumbled upon this niche. And I just know it's going to be so amazing. Like, everyone's going to need that. There's no , everyone who gets a tummy, tuck, BBL, mommy, make over like regular liposuction. You need everyone every night. He like , he's like, get out of my office. I don't want to hear about this. Like whatever. I don't care. He was anti surgery. And I'm sure a lot of women can relate to that. That they're like usually male partners. And I'm not saying all of them, but oh my God, why do they have to be so annoying? Like let us see. Great . Let us feel beautiful. Like, let us do our thing. He likes the view . Now though, he doesn't complain about anything. It's it's not, it's not just the view. He also likes my Excel spreadsheet that he lovingly labeled Baja money. So you know what I'm saying? It has grown on him. He still doesn't fully understand the entire world. Like he really does it. He's the type of man who believes in, oh, you should just diet and exercise. And I'm like, oh my God, like, first of all, it's not like I didn't try that. Like that has been all my life. I felt like a little hamster in like, what is this little real call that they have surreal? Yeah . I was stuck in the hamster wheel, constantly dieting doing this and that there is no way that any amount of gym would have given me the hips that I have now. You know, I think it's funny that these men they're like, you don't need anything and they, you know what, the girl that you see walking down the street that you think she's all natural is probably let me tell you. Okay. I, I questioned everyone now because I have a lot of females . I know it's so crazy. I have a lot of humans coming into my, into my suite that look very natural. Like they look beautiful, but they look really natural. So it's like, did you like digit ? I know you did because you know, I w we're snatching your fi because you're swollen, but does Joe Schmoe down the street now? No , it doesn't really matter if anyone knows or not. But all I'm saying is like, then I think you're saying the same thing. It's more and more and more and more. And I think we're slowly getting to a point where it's going to become socially acceptable to say back in the day. And I don't know, my mom was just like a very conservative presence . But when I got tattoos, when I was 18, like the very second that I turned 18, I got tatted up me too . And she was like, she was like, oh my God, you're such a criminal. Only criminals get tattoos. And I'm like, dude, are you kidding me? Now? Every grandma, every doctor, every lawyer, everybody has intention somewhere. And it's not a big deal. Exactly. And I feel like plastic surgery, we'll get to that. I'm going to give it about a decade because this type of change takes a long time. It might even be more than that. Uh , you know what I think, five years. And let me tell you why, because in music I'm hearing it more, oh , she got her body did and she's looking

Speaker 3: 19:00

Good. I'm hearing it more, you know,

Speaker 1: 19:03

It's becoming more mainstream. And one of my goals with this podcast is to try to break down that, you know, stigma around it, like all these, I think the society thinks that women who have plastic surgery are usually vain, but they're not. And if they are solid but are insecure or they don't love themselves. And I want to take a stance and I know I'm going to get so much hate for it. And you know what, I'm ready. You can love yourself and still have plastic surgery. You can love yourself and pick yourself first and still choose to change something about your body and anybody who wants to say, oh, no, you can't, you can't love yourself and have plastic surgery. What is it? Your business anyway, it's ridiculous. Exactly. Everyone, everyone has their own journey and it's just absolutely ridiculous to make other people feel better . But what is the difference between getting some fake males , wearing a push-up bra, Photoshopping, my pictures, you know, there's this, all these different things that are, you know, we can refer to them as deceitful. Like why can't I just, you know, might as well take it to the next level, like this blonde right here, honey, that's fake. I know like who cares? Who cares anymore? Like everyone everyone's Johnny . And by the way, I was actually looking up statistics cause I'm a big numbers person, 2019. So that's 20, 20 the year before that, before COVID hit the fan. Okay. Before COVID 2019 has the highest number record high of plastic surgeries globally. So I went back in and was like, let me look into this. I'm curious about 2020, because 2020 has to blow 2019 out of the water, by the way. What do you think? What's your guess ? My guess is just from talking, being in the industry and seeing how busy we were and how busy other offices were. I think we left 2019 in the dust. So here's, here's the crazy part. I was a million percent sure. But 2020s was actually a little bit below maybe because their restriction and that's exactly what I was, I was about to get it. I'm pretty certain if it wasn't for the certain lockdowns. Cause there were, I mean, I'm sure all of us remember, there were times where plastic surgeons were literally, they had to close their office. We did actually way in the beginning and we had a April. We had to close our office down for four weeks. See four weeks is substantial because in a month and a month that's a lot of surgeries and it wasn't just one section of the country. Like pretty much the whole country, the whole hall , the whole world, everything. And for them to be slightly below, that's a good indicator. That's a good indicator that it went well. That tells us that really, it probably would have been higher, but in 2021 is already trending super high. So, and it's only going to keep growing and it's only going to keep growing. And you know, I think with the internet, a lot of women are becoming more aware of, if something, for example, if something bothers you on your body, that before you would have never looked that, but now it's becoming such a, something that is really bothering you. For example, if you have, you know, excess fat around your love handles and before it bothered you, but now you're like, you know what? I really don't like this and you want to go ahead and get some plastic surgery. It's time do it for you. Do it for yourself. If you're ready, if you have all of the information you need and you're ready for the downtime and you're ready for the recovery, because recovery is not easy. It's time get it done. Let's talk about some myths. And in plastic surgery, there is just so many myths. There's so many myths and when you're on the internet and you're trying to figure it out and you you're reading one thing on one website and you're reading something on another website, but then you're on the message boards. And you know, these girls who already had surgery are telling you something else and just know number one, always talk to your doctor before you do any, any changing to anything that they gave you instructions and you follow those instructions, but let's attack these myths. First one, it's crazy how much bad information is out there. And like with my social media being like my Instagram is like really popping and I get all many questions. A lot of them are usually very similar. And then when it comes to the myths, there is usually an undertone in the message that you can sense of stress and anxiety and like all these things that is really, and I'm like, oh, it's so unnecessary. Like it's not even a thing. It's like a myth, but we need to talk about them . I actually, I wrote down four that I hear the most and the first one is fire Hubbard . And actually I think, I think you can say a lot more about, about that one than me, but I don't believe that fat burn is real. So I'll pass it to you for that one. Okay . Hey , so far Hubbard in the , the time that I've been in the industry. So let's say from early two thousands to now fire burn , I have only recently started seeing and it's, I notice it with the more aggressive liposuction that they get fat burn, but I personally contributed to just overly aggressive liposuction or too much heat. If they're doing some sort of skin retract theme treatment, for example, something with heat or radio-frequency or J plasma, J plasma, Thermi tight little Sarah , you know, there's a lot of skin tightening treatments that when you're doing overly aggressive light bulb, and then you're doing this heat on top, I think we can sometimes end up with [inaudible] . But yeah , my opinion, that's what I see. That's what I saw. That's what I thought I've heard doctors agree with me or I've agree with them that it's just overly aggressive liposuction because unless your garment is so, so, so, so, so tight that you cannot let a breath out. There's I mean, for it to cut your circulation to the point that your skin turns black. No, I don't think, I don't think it's real. I don't think, I don't think so either. And no matter how numb your nerves are, which they're going to be numb in the beginning, roughly the first two to three weeks, they're the numbers from my experience, at least it takes usually about six weeks for you to start getting some sensation back. Yes. Yes. Well, I started usually, so my clients, when I do this little test with them, when they come at three weeks post-op, which is the minimum, the earliest that I'm willing to do for alterations on people, because I really believe like it's okay to take it a little bit easier with the compression and the first in the beginning, while you're still really numb, but I like to scratch their stomachs , like gently like a little, just a very gentle sensation. Yes. And I asked them like, Hey, do you feel that ? And they usually say yes, because I remember from my journey at week two to three, closer to three, I started to slowly feel again, certain nerve endings, like mentioned life, or for example, that one took about two and a half months. Like it depends on the nerves, I guess it depends on or in the body, some same abdomen, same abdomen. One side can come back first and then the other totally, totally, totally, totally. I actually experienced the same thing too, but yes. So majority of your nerves are back alive, so are starting to wake up so regenerate , they regenerate . That's a good word. Your body is going to talk to you. And I think this is this journey. The recovery journey is the , it's the perfect time to like really learn to listen to your body and become one because there has not been a time. And I'm thinking like I was pregnant before. I guess my body was talking to me then too. But there has not been another time in my life where I have been able to become one with my body more than during my plastic surgery recovery, because your body literally talks to you. But real quick to like back it up a little bit, what is a Hubbard ? And again, kind of a difficult question, but the way that people are describing it in all of the different Facebook groups and forums is essentially, it's like a second or third degree burn of your skin. Usually very often you can see it in the waste area, but it could be on your back. It could be on your stomach and it's literally like your skin is literally black and you can sometimes even see pink depending on how bad it is. And I'm hearing it a lot of times, interchanged with life over on Pearl Harbor and life over in Hubbard. And I think there's so much confusion because of that, because like , first of all, what is which , and what's the difference? Is it even a thing? Like I wholeheartedly believe that life of bread is real and that it really goes back to exactly what you described, but Brian , how the heck does a garment, right . Are you , you know, I don't know. I don't ever want to say anything negatively about any physician, but I know that I started hearing it a lot more with the , with the international community and you know , maybe more it came from somewhere else and that liposuction style came from somewhere else. Yes. I fully agree. I usually, when it's very rare that I have clients who are recovering from life Auburn , but they usually tell me that they went to Columbia or something like that, Mexico. So another thing, and I think you were kind of like slightly getting towards that is, and this goes back to the importance of researching and finding the right surgeon. There are unethical surgeons out there and I truly believe, and I have even experienced it before that surgeons, the unethical ones will try to shift blame from what they did to something like fat Hubbard. And I find that just so awful because like, why would you do that? You understand that there's all this misinformation out there and instead of educating and, you know , taking ownership and helping your patients, you're shifting blame, come on. Like that's not, I agree. Yeah. I agree a hundred percent, but here's the thing. If I Hubbard, it needs to be caught quickly. You know, there there's things that can be done to try to regenerate that scan and try to, you know, prevent some loss. And if your doctor is telling you, or if you have heard of fat burn and patients that you know, he's worked on, or she has worked on, maybe you could reconsider or talk to her about how aggressive or talk to him about how aggressive he's going to be with the liposuction and just, you know, tell them or tell your surgeon, this is something that I'm really worried about. And I really don't want it to happen to me. You know, I'm okay with slightly less aggressive liposuction as if it means that I'm not, I'm less likely to have a Hubbard and I'm sure they'll do it. You just have to. Yeah . One of the things that I preach on this podcast is you're building a relationship with your surgeon, your surgeon. It's not a one-stop shop. It's not, you know, you have to treat it as you know, you and this surgeon have to understand each other 100%, you have to be aware of their rules and you have to express your rules. These are the things that I'm looking for. And these are the things that I'm really concerned about. One of them could be for Hubbard and they will take your concern. And when they're doing your surgery could keep that in mind. Right? Keep that in mind and be less aggressive with the liposuction. But I know a lot of women are like, no, if they're going to do it there , I want them to take every drop and

Speaker 3: 31:25

They want it.

Speaker 1: 31:26

And that's true . I understand that. But there's a very fine line between overly aggressive, good liposuction. And we know surgeons who are amazing and they give a super amazing results and they do aggressive liposuction. But that's why you have to do your homework on who is working on you big time, big time. And my piece of advice for that would be also educate yourself on what technique your surgeon is using to do the liposuction. What type of tools is he using? Because I know like my surgeon was very aggressive, but I, I had a very smooth recovery. I had no issues, but I also, like my Sergeant is double board certified. She like the bedside manner was absolutely everything. Like everything that I could have researched. Like I went on Google and looked literally to the last page on everything that has his name attached. Like that's how intensely I researched him. And then obviously like just, just the meetings and everything, all the pre-op appointments, it was just the right fit. So I knew I'm going to be safe with this one, but there's so many times that I hear my clients coming to me telling me, oh, the first time I met my surgeon was when he was working in New York , before surgery. And he can't believe it's so scary. I have the time. And I know, I honestly, I think there's some regulations that are in place there for that to not happen. I believe, yes. I believe there's some regulations that are being broken. Actually, if you're meeting your surgeon the day of your surgery, and that's the only time that you're going to get to meet him or her, I would be very weary just because I would want, I want to be able to get ahold of my surgeon after surgery, if I have an emergency. And if he doesn't even have time to see me before my surgery for a consultation and a pre-operative appointment, is he going to have time to see me after if I have an emergency, if I have something that I'm really worried about and I want to come in and see him, probably not. And that's something whenever I say, do your homework and weigh out your pros and cons. That's one of the, when I tell you go to go see three surgeons, you know, if two of those surgeons see you and you get to meet them and they're great and you meet them in person that day, you're going to be more inclined to book with them because you've already built. You're building that relationship, that understanding if you're not meeting them that initial contact . Yes. Yes. And I think you definitely should, like three is a really good number. I would say, that's the minimum you should meet so that you can see what types of different surgeons are there. Like, who am I vibing with? What is my intuition saying? Because like, to me, when I was doing my, when I was in my consultation phase, before I had picked the surgeon, I was really heavily listening to my intuition and I, you know, fast forward , it was a great decision, but yes, it's extremely important. So let's talk about this other myth. Yes. Let's go back to the myth. Ridges . Say that again. Rigid ridges dense increases. Yes. Yes. All my God all am G I get this one so much. So obviously this is heavy on the fats , right? A lot of times fast, you'll see like a bunching up or creasing in the smallest part of your weight. Uh, there's, there's multiple reasons for that. Usually it's a, it's too big. It's too tight. Or the torso is too long, which a lot of those things can, can be fixed and adjust it. But the issue is that people are so scared that it will leave a permanent mark or a permanent dent . I cannot tell you throughout my recovery, especially in the beginning, how many dents, creases, bumps you name it? I had in my skin, my skin looked horrible. Okay. It was like every time I took all of my phones off, there were like random corners and edges. And I don't even know all kinds of stuff. But what you need to understand is right now, like in the beginning, your skin is literally Play-Doh during liposuction. It was essentially detached from the back wall. So it's full of fluid and the fluid is like Tredo . So anything is going to leave a mark, but don't worry. It's going to right back to normal. It's literally, and this is what I like to tell my clients. You know how, when you wear really tight jeans and the jeans have like a fixed theme on the inside and at the end of the day or whatever, you take the jeans off. Yes. And you can exactly. But then we forget about it and it disappears. And it's literally the same concept when it comes to all of the little indentations and marks that happen in the beginning of our recovery, don't worry about it. They're going to come out. And if we reach out , we also need to be realistic, right? Because not all of us are blessed with an absolutely flawless, smooth back. Some of us have Drophead . So like, if you have little bit of profit there, those creases, even if the surgeon lipos the fat around it, the creases just like cellulite are the devil. They have memory. They remember. So you're fat . I mean, at the end of the day, it's not like a , it's not like a magic garment. It's just the stretchy compression garment. It's going to adjust itself to your, you were creases and your curves and, and, you know, oftentimes the roles that happen to be like right back here, where the FA likes to bunch up the most, it's , it's not going to damage you or mess up your results. I promise your results. The fence are already gone. The sculpting is there, your massages help with the swelling, your garment helps with the swelling. And all we're doing with your garment is when you have liposuction, you can imagine it's like graded ch or like Swiss cheese underneath your skin. And every one of those little holes is getting full of fluid. So your garment compresses your skin back to your fascia, closing those Swiss cheese holes , and that fluid gets comes out into your system. So that's why it's so important for you to wear your fi wherein a good fitting Baja to help speed up that recovery process to your because if you, oh, if you go a day without your garment on, after liposuction, you're going to be miserable and it's better to just have a good, a nice, good fitting customized to your shape now that we know, okay, what your dimensions are going to be. Now we know what your hip to waist ratio is going to be. Let's get you in a nice, tight fitting. Absolutely. Absolutely. I agree. I see, oh, you have to wear a shirt. You have to wear this. You have to wear your foam. All of those things are great. I'm not saying don't do them. Or you know that they're , they don't work, but don't overly stress yourself on creases and Benson ridges, because they're going to go away. Don't worry about it. You're going to be fine. It's all going to go away. I did a formulate this. I want to call it a body bomb , but I formulated it for, to help bring that swelling down after liposuction, help break up the bruising and with helping break up the bruising earlier in your recovery, we're lowering the chance of any hemosiderin staining in the skin. So that along with wearing your garment, along with drinking your water along with getting some light exercise, just slight walking until your doctor tells you, you're good. Just moving around, that's all going to help you with your recovery and kind of help get that lymphatic system going right closer to your results. Yes, yes, yes, absolutely. I remember. So I was, I think when you have a garment that custom fits your body, you're going to be much more likely to actually wear it because the compliant kit . Yeah, exactly. You're going to actually like, listen, right . And do what you're supposed to be doing. I always say like the surgery part is the easiest part, the recovery that work , right? That's that , that's the part that takes work from you because when we go to surgery, the Sergeant is doing all the work, everything after that, that's on you, honey. And how, you know, like the more you take this seriously and do the right thing. And really, again, we don't have to stress it and we don't have to over-complicate it, but do your best and do your research and, you know, in advance so that you know what you need to be doing, but you know, it really does make a big difference. What do you , let's talk about this myth about the flow ,

Speaker 3: 40:36

The fluff. Okay. Let me, let's

Speaker 1: 40:38

Talk about the fluff because there's two versions of the, of the fluff. And one of those versions, I think is what I've learned in my career. What I've heard surgeons time after time repeat is that this the fat fluffs and people think you have to feed the fat. You have to feed the fat feed, the fat, and yeah, you want to feed your fat good fat. But what it is is actually the swelling has subsided. The majority of the swelling has subsided. Those fat cells can now bounce or they're , they're fluffier, they're fuller. They can expand cause that swelling is not pushing down on it. And now it's fluffy expanding, getting all the circulation, getting everything it needs hydrating to be fluffy, to be bigger. So that , that cream that I was telling you about, you have to use it right after your liposuction. Well, as soon as your doctor approves, of course you get your doctor to approve. But what it does is it speeds up that process of bringing the swelling down and increasing the viability of the fat cells that are already there by bringing the swelling down and letting them kind of bounce back faster. Those fat cells die in the first three weeks. So you use it in those first three weeks to kind of speed up the process of the swelling going down. What is your take on fluff ? So I have to say being like going through my journey, I was like, I obviously I heard about this fluff Berry and this whole fluffing phase . So being a researcher, I go on Google because Google is my best friend and we talk all the time. So I was like, Google, can you please go ahead? And I know it's very sad. I essentially Google , like what the heck is the fluff Barry ? Like, what can I expect? When does it happen? Is it real, all that, all that stuff. It's a huge myth, but essentially to break down, this is what I found out on Google around three months, you're going to notice that your butt is bigger and I'm like, that sounds too good to be true. And I am immediately not believing it. So I was like, all right , fine. I'm just going to watch him and see how my journey goes because you know, my Sergeant put a considerate amount, considerable amount back in my area. So I was like, okay, cool. Let me watch. So here's my experience at three months is when I realized I stepped out the shower and I was like, oh my God, like I have this big mirror right in front of my shower. I see everything. And I'm like, oh my God, my waist is so much smaller. Like, it's, I thought I was done around like, you know, month, month and a half, but little did I know I wasn't done at three months. Our waste was so much smaller. And by the way, you know, looking back at it, you know, hindsight is 2020. I lost even more swelling like until month five. But anyway , so three months you can lose fine up to a year. You can be swollen. Absolutely, absolutely. In that , you know, that depends on a lot of different factors, but so I'm looking at the mirror and I'm like, dang, my waist is way smaller, which ironically is at the three month mark, which is when they say the fluff theory comes into town, whatever that means. But guess what? When your waist gets smaller, your hips and your butt look big and look bigger, but are they bigger though? So, so the fat doctor was measuring herself. My butt was the same, the whole time. My waist just kept getting smaller. So what does that, so for me, my conclusion is that the fluff theory is myth because I think it's more of an illusion than anything else. And I just don't want people to have this false hope of all my buttons going to get big at month three. Like, I don't want people to just feel that disappointment, right. Cause if you're going to set yourself and here's the thing, right? Bottom line is no, it's not going to get bigger unless you gained some weight, but really like your butt is probably be softness around month three, starting at month three. My butt started to soft enough actually at week two, the first two weeks, it was rock hard. It was a whole struggle with so many additional struggles coming out of it that we're not going to discuss those things , but we'll leave that for another chat. But like it started tossing up at week two, which by the way, that's what led me to Googling this whole flat there , because I'm like, wait, why is it already stopped ? I thought it was, you know , I thought it was supposed to happen around a month, three. I'm so confused, blah, blah, blah. So either way it goes, I don't think it actually fluffs what you do want to do. This is my recommendation have one of those other soft measuring tapes. And I generally recommend that to anyone who's having any type of body modification surgery, especially when we're talking liposuction, right. Or a VBL measure your waist and measure your hips. It's actually really, really simple. You want to measure your weight right above your belly button and your hips stand in front of a mirror and just put the tape at the widest part of your hips and your, and your, and your butt. Like literally you can turn, look at your, look at the mirror from the front and look at it from the side as you're facing the tape. And that's it. And then just keep it like a diary or something maybe every two to four weeks and just measure yourself and compare the measurements. What you're going to find in the beginning is that your butt is going to decrease. But that's the swelling though. And that usually happens those first three weeks. Mostly like it's when, when you really lose majority of your swelling in your butt, but the waste, the waste, that's where the magic happens. This is where it's all the illusion is all starting at the waist . Yes. Yes. All right. So, so bottom line, fluff Berry myth. We don't believe in her. We met , I think what it is. I think the swelling subsiding and that those fat cells fluffing and kind of plumping up is really all it is in my , I agree with you. I agree. I agree. So then we have, we do have one more myth and this one, I can't tell you how much I am sick of hearing it chicken, but Ooh , you know, take him back . Correct .

Speaker 3: 46:35

When I was , when I was working, I never

Speaker 1: 46:37

Heard about chicken butt ever. It's like a recent one and it just continues to grow load around all of the , and grow like a tumor. Like it continues to float around. And I can't tell you how many times I get messages full of panic talking about, oh my God, my thigh is a crutch opening. Am I going to get chicken? But no , you're not. First of all, every file should have a crutch opening. Don't you want to go to the bathroom, right? And B and B taking it off and putting it on. You're going to end up being non-compliant . Yes, exactly. It's going to lead to failure and it's just not going to be good. You want your fights ? You have a crush opening at the very least. So you can pee most fast . The really good ones just have one. So you can pee . So you better figure out your number two situation. I had to train my body literally to only go number two in the morning or at night. But trust me, it's been a struggle, but the finalize, the fast lines will force you to do some things. Okay? So adjustments. Exactly. There's some serious adjustments in your lifestyle, especially when it comes to the natural thing that our body forces us to do. But yes, a fad that has a crush opening big enough for your vagina. So you can go pee is a non-issue , that's a positive thing. There's some FAS that are slightly bigger, even in the bed where you can like, see a little bit of your crack, but you know, most of your budgets are still covered. It's a non-issue personally. I do think that, especially after you had a BBL, you should have a certain level of support. Like I am not a fan of FAS that have the butt cheeks cut out either . I don't, I don't know if that actually causes chicken, but I have yet to see that, by the way, a lot of chicken butt is hereditary. There's some people who just have it, like, you know, and a surgeon can potentially make it better. But I think it's a skill like it's, it's challenging. It's like a challenging one. Thank you. Definitely. Whenever for any woman, who's going to go in and have their booty done . Look in the mirror. Cause I know I did this for mine. Look in the mirror and look at it before anything is done to it. Take some pictures, whatever, keep it, keep it in a little secret folder in your phone. That way post-op when you're looking at it and you're going to be analyzing every single mark crevice , uh , stretch, mark, everything you're going to be . You'll see that. It's exactly what you had before, but sled but bigger. And that's it. So if you already have hereditary had that regime on the inside of your booty and your doctor can try to blend, but it might still be there. You have to find a very, very, very skilled surgeon who you can see their before and after pictures who has similar, has done work on patients with body types that are similar to yours. That way you'll know. Okay, he's going to be able to blend it, blend it in . Right. Or she'll be able to do it for me. Yeah. Right. Or just like, prove it somehow. Like, I think it's important to talk to a Sergeant and like ask them these questions, show them your body part that is like starting to you. Especially if you're not one who is blessed with amazing DNA. Right. Like I had really severe cellulite on my right cheek and only moderate on my left. And I actually talked to that to my surgeon . And I was like, what can we realistically do? Like what can be my expectations? Obviously, I'm not going to walk out with a perfect peach, but like, like, like let's talk about it. Like what can I , you ? Yes. And then again, if you the right surgeon, a reputable board certified, experienced individual great reviews, they're going to be honest with you. They're not going to sit here and say, oh, you're going to wake up and you're going to look like Nicki Minaj. Yes . And you , and that's what you want . Like , even if it's something that you don't want to hear, you should appreciate that because now, you know, okay, this doctor is not going to sit here and just lie to my face. Doctor is telling you, Hey, you might, you know, this is the result you can expect. And if what you are hearing is not what you wanted to hear, respect that they're telling you a reasonable expectation. And you know, we want that from our surgeons. We want them to tell us, you know, realistically, this is what we can do. And this is what we can't. And then as the patient, it's up to you to make that decision on, is the surgery worth it. If it's not going to fix the problem that you had, or even that slight fix is enough for you to want to do it. But it's all about being open with your surgeon and your expectations. 100% also being realistic. Really? I think that's so important because again, like I described my issue with my butt , like my entire right side of my body is just smaller. Like my right boob is smaller than my left. My right cheek is a little smaller than my left cheek and so forth. But, you know, I knew I wasn't going to come out like Barbie. I knew it. But you know, it's just important that you want to have these conversations with your surgeon and also be realistic with yourself either way. It goes, if you pick the right surgeon and everything is going well, you're going to be better than what you were before and to be happy and you're going to be so much happier. But like, for me, when I was, I literally made a whole list of my top 10 things that I hated about myself the most. Cause you know, we're always our own biggest critics, right. And we always want what we don't have, but I actually had my Sergeant address the top six. And so top seven, eight, nine, and 10 are now not bothering me anymore. Not six have been fixed. You know? And, and I think like that is actually some, some advice I would love to share with others that I think that's a really great technique. Like writing down the things that bother you the most in ranking them. And then seeing if your surgeon can address the top worst ones that bother you the most. Cause it will make such a big difference in your life. How you feel about yourself. Like I enjoy wearing clothes now. I'm no longer hiding myself before surgery. I felt like a prisoner in my own body. And now, and it's a daily struggle to even get up because they don't like what they see in the mirror. And going back to that, you can't have self-love and choose to have plastic surgery. What about, what about that? Why don't they consider, you know, women who are depressed by what they see in the mirror and what's wrong with them, fixing it and fixing themselves what , something that's bothering them. Come at me, come at me. I know me too, because I am going to be advocating for women who want to. And I think that's a form of self-love . It is a form of self-love for yourself , because I like to joke. I have this like super bad B word slumbering inside of me and she just couldn't come out and she was covered in fat and now she came out and I'm like loving it. And now you flourished . You started business from something that you realized people needed. I love it. I love your story. I love

Speaker 3: 54:07

What you do. I love customizing. I love how you did it. I don't know how I ended

Speaker 1: 54:13

Up on your Instagram, but I'm so glad I did. I'm telling everybody and their mama , they need to get their guns . Right . All-terrain I , I appreciate that. I appreciate that very, very much. Yes. Come, come and get your fast Nash . I am. I'm always here with advice. I share knowledge. I don't judge anyone because you know , I'm knowing near perfect myself. And I just, I really love doing this. I love seeing these happy faces because usually when I see my clients around three to four weeks and you know that first month, you're the Michelin man. I call it the Michelin man stage. Actually, my husband is inspired, inspired by the hubby, but you know, you're huge. You flip boards, you pull the forms , you're your math . You don't feel good. Yeah. And then they come to me. I snatched their fat. And for the first time they actually see their weight . And I usually around that time, I free everyone. I say like, get rid of your thing , get rid of your boards, get rid of your forms because you don't need them anymore. I make the Baja so fit. You like a glove. So like a glove. So you don't need all that extra stuff, which by the way, being that summer's coming, and I know you and Houston, right ? We're in Houston. So it's like extra hot down there. But being that summer is coming, it's getting high pretty much everywhere. You don't want to wear all this crap. And so my clients, like they put the fire back on at the end of their appointment and they're just so happy. And I just love that I'm able to contribute to another woman, feeling beautiful and feeling confident. It makes me so happy that that's the part that I missed , helping them get to the other side of theirs , that they feel low on themselves, or maybe their self-esteem isn't there and they want to change this one thing that bothers them and they change it. And oh my God labels are meant to these women that I'm like, whoa, it , it allows you to grow into the best version of yourself and definitely like it's everything. But yeah, so, so we addressed the format. I have burn most likely life it's lipid burn , and you need to be careful with that . You need to really speak with your surgeons and learn about their, what tools they use, et cetera. And let them know that that's a concern for you that we had, you know, five high shaping, like dense, creases and things. Also, Amir , don't worry. Your skin's Play-Doh . It will pull back out. Number three, fluffy fairy. No, your , your waist is smaller now. Now your button looks bigger, but Blackberry, we don't believe in her. We don't, we don't think we believe in her , right? No, I think it's just, you're you're fat. You're fat. Yep . Is breathing your waste is your swelling in your waste subsided and your proportions are starting to look the way they looked on the table the day after surgery. Yep. And then last but not least the good old chicken, but rip please. Okay. I'm ready for chicken. But two more chicken. I've seen some of those pictures and I'm like, wow. I, if a surgeon let somebody off their table with them , they should have some ramifications. But I , I don't know if you noticed or not, but it's a very rare find. Like it's extremely rare. And I don't know if these pictures are just being hidden, which is by the way, it's totally possible. I don't know if they're just being hidden and people are embarrassed to show it, or if it just actually doesn't happen that much. I don't think it happens much . I don't think so either. And I wholeheartedly believe that if it did turn out that way, you likely, already had a little bit of just a , I don't want to use the word deformed , cause I'm not trying to make anyone feel I could use the forms on my right butt cheek. Right. But for the lack of a better word, if you have that slight deformity that someone may define chicken, but you know, plastic surgery may or may not actually fix it. So you got to find the right surgeon to address that concern of yours and have the skillset to know how to fill it in, in a way that makes it disappear or less all the land or, or, or just be less obvious. So that's pretty much it that's pretty much it. I think we some really good things today. I know mainly I wanted to talk about you talk about how you stumbled into this and you know, I know it's changing a lot of women's lives and I love it. And I wanted to kind of give you this platform to talk to your women that can come see you can send you their fajitas, get them fixed, make them fit like a glove and have an easy, better recovery. Absolutely. At the end of it, at the end of the day, all we want is for you to have an easy journey from successful, successful journey from before your surgery, doing your homework is crucial. Making sure you're liking the pictures that you're seeing and looking for familiar or similar body types to yours, making sure that you understand all of the recovery process. We're , you're expensive . What are you going to be spending on? And after surgery, I think if you know all of that upfront, you already have your FA customized, you're going to have your massages lined up. You're going to be easy, easy recovery. Yup . And most, most importantly successful. I don't know. I don't know that it easy. It's like a little challenging because it's tough. Right? So lengthy, but just successful. I think, I think like that's the right word . Cause that's what we really want. We want, I mean, but yeah, nothing super parents . Yes , yes , yes , yes , definitely. So that's really important, but in my opinion, I think that's the best set yourself up. Just kind of know all the things that could possibly happen, what you might need to do. And if it happens, you're, you're ready, you're prepared. And another thing, and you kind of touched on that. We discussed trends and like statistics for like plastic surgery, popularity. Just to know that there's more people getting plastic surgery than there is currently, and that's changing every day . But , but then there's currently people who provide post-op care. So you want to be, you want to be prepared. You don't want to be like, oh, Hey, I , um, I had my surgery two weeks ago. Do you have time for a massage tomorrow? You don't want to be that person. You want to have all of that lined up before. Yeah. Same with the alterations. Like your girl right here. I get booked up. Do you want to get on my schedule? As soon as you can, you want to be proactive about your journey and your recovery so that you can set yourself up, set yourself up for success and that's all it's , it's all about setting yourself up for success. Absolutely. Right. It's it's it's in your hands. Like I said, the surgery part is the easy part, the recovery. Right, right. But , um, I'm glad you, you have some time to join me today. I know it was really hard kind of finding time and getting you, yeah. I know. Busy schedule. I appreciate the invite. I really enjoyed my conversation with you. I can't wait to actually hear the podcast. And then I just wanted to, to throw out real quick, the best way. Like for anyone who interested in my services, the best way to reach me is on my instagram@thefajadoctor , you can mail your faja to me from anywhere. All that information is on my website. You can see all my work, all my reviews on my Instagram and just , just follow me, give her a follow and look at what she's done. You can see, I like that. You post pictures of your customers in their fajitas and you can see how you've made the alterations and how it fits their form . So well. And you guys, this is all part of doing your homework. Do your homework, set yourself up for success

And you won't regret it. I see you guys next week. Thanks for coming on Diana.

Thank you so much.

Speaker 2: 1:02:22

I would like to end this episode with a huge thank you to all of our listeners. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure to subscribe to big buts , no lies podcast and follow us on Instagram at big butts no lies podcast . If you have a topic you want me to cover, please send it to the DM . If you know anyone on their plastic surgery journey, be sure to recommend them. The show. You can also visit us on our website. Big buts , no . You'll see the online surgical recovery storks. We're adding new items all the time. If there's something you think I need to have on there, send me a DM. Don't forget to leave us a five-star rating on apple podcast and don't forget new episodes every Monday. Awesome .


