Hey guys, my name is Mavi . And for the last 14 years, I've worked in the plastic surgery industry under top board certified plastic surgeon. In that time, I have gained extensive knowledge about surgical procedures pre and post-op care, as well as non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments. My passion to educate and help women feel empowered in their surgical decisions, led to what we now know as the Big Butts No Lies podcast . Join in on the fun. As I chat with plastic surgery, experts, friends, and real life patients about all things. Plastic surgery should be fun. Hey guys, I'm so happy to be back with you today. If you thought that you were getting treated in the last episodes you are for a treat today,

Speaker 2: 0:47

I was able to bring it to women who are just as equally passionate about plastic surgery as me. Yes, I agree. So we have Analisa . Hello and melody. Hi melody. Why don't you tell our listeners about yourself? So I have been in the aesthetic business for over 16 years now. I have helped thousands of people reach their image goals with weight loss, teeth . Plastic surgery is definitely my favorite as well as noninvasive procedures. And my latest and greatest is I've worked for care credit . And so now I'm able to help thousands of patients at one time through the best providers in the world here in Houston, Texas. That's awesome. That's awesome. That's great. I'm telling you, she is a gem and y'all will understand with today's topic, why it's so important to have people who know the industry and can kind of give you those tips and tricks that you don't know that you need. Yeah . You don't know to ask you don't know, to ask. So I thought today would be a good idea for us to go over what a typical quote looks like, what they're looking at, what the extras are, you know, kind of walk them through what is included in their quote and giving them that number at the bottom. So on Alisa . Yeah. Okay. I think we've touched base on this a little bit, but I think every practice is different. I think you both can agree on that, right? Absolutely. So what we really want is to itemize everything out. So the patient can kind of pick and choose what they want after learning about it. But in the end, they have to figure out if it's cost-effective and which practice, you know, that they're going with what their percentages. So if you could speak on care credit , as far as our practice, it's six months at 0% and they'll come out and they'll say, oh, well, another practice is 12 months. And we're like, no , but our practice is contracted with six months at 0% interest. So that's something that every practice is different. So have to ask that ahead of time, because even though your dentist did 12 months, doesn't mean that your surgeon is going to do 12 months. That's right . And you'll have a vet who does 24 months for an interest. And so your expectations might not be aligned with what that doctor is going to offer. Exactly. Okay. So let's say that a patient has received their quote. What is the number one thing that you think they should look at? I think the , uh , what's included so anesthesia, that's a big thing because you don't want to get an extra outside bill after surgery, the, or costs, supplies, materials, anything like garments or printing on tape or expert or anything like that. Definitely. And when their procedures are listed out, what , something that you would tell our listeners to make sure I would say, just review it and go wine item by item. Because even if, just for instance, you're going to do a quad blessed , so upper and lower eyelid, are you doing upper or lower or both? You know, like those are like specific to the patient. So everyone is different when it comes to that. So are we talking a mommy makeover and you're saying tummy tech and different areas of liposuction. So make sure all of those areas are included. So it just depends, but making sure that they're itemized out. So you know how to kind of pick and choose what you want after learning about it, make sure it's listed. And if you have, if you're doing liposuction and your surgeon says liposuction 360, and you can just make sure that you it's out abdomen flanks . Yeah. And everyone's like, that's another thing too. Everyone's like, what's 360.

Speaker 3: 4:53

Right. They'll

Speaker 2: 4:55

Google. And then they'll say liposuction 360 and they'll call into our call center. And we're like, well, that's the whole waste . Do you

Speaker 3: 5:05

Know? And then they're like, well, what about my

Speaker 2: 5:08

Arms? What about my thighs? You know? And it's like, well, if you're saying 360, 360 for us with a tummy, take his flanks abdomen. Yeah. Like your whole core basically. And it doesn't include your arms, your legs, you know? So, so that it needs to be exactly, it needs to be listed out, but you can see how somebody who they don't know, they would totally feel that 360 means everywhere around. Yeah. So

Speaker 3: 5:37

Everywhere in the body, it's like, [inaudible] and I'm like , no ,

Speaker 2: 5:44

There's 60. I'm like, okay. That's like around the waist , you know, the body area, but not the arms or the legs. That's a good

Speaker 3: 5:52

Point. Yeah . Yeah. You thank you for that. Yes.

Speaker 2: 5:56

Also. So for you guys, does that include the axilla because that's something doctors include for three 16 at standard? No. And this is what is so important for you to , when you're looking at your quote, really look at your quote and be honest with yourself too . If what's on that quote is what's going to make you happy. If your surgeon told you, you need a tummy tuck, Flink , and backlight, both to give you the shape that you want. But maybe that price is a little bit out of your budget now. And you're going to choose to just do the tummy tuck and not do the flank lipo or not do the back. I sorry to pay off. But I was like a good question to ask too, is like, how much more is it? Because once we're in there, it's, it's more cost-effective for the patient to do a couple other areas, like literally 700 bucks. So that's what I want. That's where I was going to, if you are cutting corners corners, you might not be happy with the result. And then you might be unhappy with your surgeon, for them not doing, or you don't look the way you thought you were going to look, but it's because you took off the flank life or the backlight. But a lot of times the great surgeons they'll say, Nope, you can't take that off. That's going to be included. Like if you're doing the Tami tech , you're doing the flanks, like it goes together because you're not going to have a flat tummy and a fluffy waste

Speaker 3: 7:23

That doesn't make sense. You're walking around. Is there a billboard? And

Speaker 2: 7:26

You're saying, okay, this looks great, but this not so much. But some surgeons do let you. Yeah . So as I said, they've got a great surgeon .

Speaker 3: 7:36

That was the key. Anytime somebody cut life is like, I'm getting

Speaker 2: 7:40

A tummy tackle . Great. What areas are you getting? Light bone . They tell me, no , not getting light bulb. Who's doing your surgery and doing light bulb. If you're it more the question , should it be like, are you sure that the way women who don't have that is the look that you're going for. That's a great way to play because it's really what your final result is. What do you want to look like after, after all of your surgery, when you're healed and you're ready and you're ready to dress up. Yeah . What do you want to look like? So that's when you have to, okay. Look at your quote. When I'm telling you guys, make sure you have all your ducks in a row and being honest with yourself and write what is really going to make you happy. So if now looking at this quote and it's way out of your budget, but you want to do something, my suggestion would be to wait until you have enough to do it right. The first time. Yeah . To do what your surgeon is suggesting you to get you to your final result instead of cutting corners corners. Great. I'm glad we

Speaker 3: 8:43

Had that. Yeah . I think we've all seen

Speaker 2: 8:46

Unhappy patients, right ? Pretty much. And it's good because we've seen those and we can kind of relate, but at the same time, it's like we put ourselves in that position and we don't want a patient to ever feel unhappy. Right. I mean, what's this , this electric , I'm like don't to do this. I mean, [inaudible]

Speaker 3: 9:11


Speaker 2: 9:11

I w w the point I want to get across is do your homework B write down your , like, take your goal picture, and then take your own picture and do kind of imagine in your mind what your body would look like. If you had the procedure, you know, the procedures done. And if you took some of those procedures off, what it would look like. Yeah. That's great. Mommy .

Speaker 3: 9:41

Honestly. Well , because they come in that they

Speaker 2: 9:44

Want one thing, they get educated, and then once they're educated, then they're worried about finance. And then it goes to like, what can I, penny pinch. Yeah. You know, so you have , I know this is not the thing to penny pinch though. No , it's not. No . When you're looking for a contractor, when you're looking for a car or something, but this is your body, and if it was heart surgery, we would not be looking at the solution . Right . And

Speaker 4: 10:12

You can't see your heart. Right . Good point. Yes. I agree. So let's move

Speaker 2: 10:22

On. We tell them, make sure that the procedures are listed out, that everything that you and your surgeon talked about is on there, but that's not on there. You're not getting it. If it's not on there, you're not getting it. If they're telling you, get it in writing and just asked you, because that's going to make you feel more comfortable for the recovery. Cause if you know, you have an extra garment, you're not worried, oh my gosh, I have to go get another garment. That's you know , like simple things. The next thing that you'll see on your quote typically is your hospital or facility fee. So do you want to tell us yourself ? Yeah . So for the practice that I work for, they have their own surgical facility. That's accredited by the state, quite a F S certified, but it is accredited by the state. So meaning it's hospital grade, we just are not connected like physically to the hospital, even though we have privileges down the street. But that's a great question to ask your physician, because if knock on wood, God forbid something were to happen. What happens if you have to get transferred to a hospital after surgery, but also too with hospitals, they're going to send you , uh , an outside bill. Typically, if the surgeon goes over their time, definitely with us, if the surgeon goes over, the surgeon fits the bill, you know? Yeah. So we plan everything 10 days before surgery paid in full. And if the surgeon wants to take more time, then he takes more time or she takes more time. And the patient doesn't see that versus a hospital. You're still going to get that outside bill from my understanding, I don't know about you. I've never, I've never experienced that. However, the doctors that I was with, they had a contract with the hospital. So that, that was not an issue. Yeah. Well, that's great. I mean, I've had a couple patients come in and they're like, oh my gosh, you know, I get charged for biopsies afterwards, which we do, you know, if you have breast reconstruction or we're doing a breast lift or something like that, we're gonna send some of your tissue to pathology and that's the menu and that's an extra bill, but we let you know that upfront. So it's not a surprise from quest , you know, like in the middle . So I know with the practice that I was with before we did do surgeries out of the hospital, I know a lot of patients felt comfortable in that and being in the hospital setting and some patients don't like it at all. Some patients want to be in a outpatient facility. The most important thing that I think to ask is when you're paying your doctor's office, are they paying your anesthesia and your facility? Yeah . Make sure that you are not looking at a quote for $10,000. And then you're like, great. This is way less than I thought it was going to be. This is perfect. Sign me up. And then, you know, come after surgery or close to surgery, you realize, oh, you also have to pay another 7,000 to your hospital and your anesthesiologists , the best thing. And the easiest thing to do is just say, Hey, what else is included? That's it, that's all you have to say is what else is included prescriptions. That's another thing that are usually by , uh, you can go through your insurance. Yeah, exactly. So, but that's an outside cost and for someone that's penny pinching or that they don't have those funds, they're not anticipating another $200 on top of their surgery. That's right . Or they don't have insurance to go through. So you still have to factor that in. So I think the easiest thing is just ask, what else is included is included. What else am I going to have to pay for? That is not mine . This price fee did y'all hear that. Those positions to ask. Okay. So now that we're telling our listeners ask, what's included, what are some of the things that are included usually? So melody, what do you think? I would say, definitely ask to make sure those facility fees and those anesthesia fees we talked about, but ask about first garment or the first bra second garment as well, also like expert expert expert, because that is a gift. It is , it is. We give it at cost and oh my gosh, it can, it can take your recovery from, you know, something easy. And no, I'm not an advocate for them, but I am an advocate because I've

Speaker 3: 15:16

Had it. Yes. But you can reach out if you want to,

Speaker 2: 15:22

But has saved so many patients, I think too, because patients feel more comfortable afterwards because they're not having to take so much pain medication those first 72 hours, because it basically numbs the area that you had surgery, liposuction, tummy , tuck , whatever. And they're not having to take the pain medication, which I know, sorry, this is off track. It makes you constipated.

Speaker 3: 15:46

Or if you're nauseous, when the anesthesia can't take it, you can't.

Speaker 2: 15:51

So, you know, those simple things like that when a surgeon just automatically includes it at cost is gold. It's gold. Honestly. I think expert , if you're having a tummy tuck, absolutely half .

Speaker 3: 16:08

I know they're like,

Speaker 2: 16:09

Oh, is it worth the I , what is it ? It's hundreds about four to 500 bucks. Is it worth it? Yeah . And in my opinion, honestly, it is,

Speaker 3: 16:19

There's no question , easier having to worry

Speaker 2: 16:22

About your garment. And some doctors use drains yuck. Right?

Speaker 3: 16:28

So you're

Speaker 2: 16:29

Dealing with garments, constipation, drains, pain, sleeping, like there's so many, many things, you know , so many factors. And it's like, if you can X or X day one, it's like, it's gonna make your recovery that much better.

Speaker 3: 16:47

Having a doctor

Speaker 2: 16:48

That offers it. Yes. Let's , you know, I'm in the right place. Oh, that's a good point. Cause they're just don't even offer it at all. Let alone as an add-on. Yeah. I wonder where if the doctors are older, like more old school, if they're on it, like on that expert boat, like the younger doctors who are, you know, getting out of training with, I don't think it's age because you have older doctors who are on it and they are, they want to know the latest and greatest. I want to stay ahead of the curve. I think it's just a matter of, are they complacent? Yeah. And to some of them they're like, oh no , penny pinch. Just like the patient. So they're going to penny pinch there. But you have to think about afterwards, what's going to make the patient more comfortable, happy. Long-term like our practice. We do home care visits afterwards. Complimentary. If you're in the Houston zip codes, you know, a lot of practices make the patient come in for their first day. Follow up to say, Hey,

Speaker 3: 17:57

It's like now with COVID I'm like, can you do telemedicine? And just tell me I'm doing okay. You know, like I don't have

Speaker 2: 18:03

To get in the car or travel across to wait in your waiting room, wait for the appointment for you to be like, you're doing great. Yeah . I think it , it kind of, this is a spot where you separate practices that are more clean your concierge yes. That are angry to help you and your recovery go as smooth as possible. And there's practices that have thought about everything and they're holding your hand in every step of the way. Kind of like a CPS . And I have an analogy for that. Let's go to for coffee or shopping, which one you wanna do ? Coffee or shopping? Coffee or shopping, shopping. All right . So you're going to have your practice. Okay. Yes. I agree with, and you're going to have other practices that are Macy's right. Okay . You have target. Yes. Right. So, and then you'll have, yeah . All right. Now

Speaker 3: 19:03

Then you have the corner store from those , right . [inaudible]

Speaker 2: 19:10

Never heard that song before. You don't know the language. It's a foreign place. Right? I do believe that you get what you pay for and when you go to Sachs , you're going to get that experience. Yeah , exactly. If you go to target, you might get what you want, but it's not gonna be the same quality. It's not the same quality. That's definitely , I , I really, really liked coffee or coffee would be the corner store . Like Bucky's okay. Versus Dunkin donuts or Starbucks. Because when my guy has Starbucks sees my carpool up, I literally just say, good morning. And he says, good morning, melody. Here's your Gavi ? What kind of day are we having? Or Vinci. Yes. And I have my two cups of coffee. The same place. When you go to a restaurant, like I know like on a Monday night or Tuesday night, and I'm like so tired and you know, those are the tough days for me. And I sit down, you know, I have this place in the Heights. That is awesome. And I can literally, like you said, just sit down. They already know what I want. They know what I want to drink. They know what I want to eat. I don't even have to ask them. I can pull out my laptop and start working. You know, they even asked me, Hey, do you need a charger ? [inaudible]

Speaker 3: 20:24

That's how you know. It's good. Yeah. And you go back and you will go back every time I will

Speaker 2: 20:30

Go back every time. I agree. I love that analogy. Thank you for that. It's very for you to notice which practices are like that and which practices are not, which practices are worried more about the quality of their work. Instead, the quantity of how many they're doing focused on doing like a one, what is it called? Like a chop shop, shop, shop, shop, shop. It's like, they're just milling them through, you know, like you're just the number I think you should ask. If may say you pick your third surgery the day of how many of, how many, how many is he going to do that day or something do that day. If you're , if your surgery is suppo and I only know this, I haven't seen it in person. I've never seen it in any of the practices that I've worked for. But I've heard about it from patients in these Facebook groups where somebody was like, my surgery time is that 5:00 PM. And , um , yeah. And somebody else was like mindset . 7:00 PM. No way. Yes. What time did , I mean maybe how, how

Speaker 3: 21:38

Can your surgeon be giving you top quality? I mean, work 7:00 PM. Okay.

Speaker 2: 21:43

So with that said, you know, top surgeons, they've been doing this for 20 to 30 years. Kay . But you know what they know . I do know what you mean. You're, they're just throwing them on. Right . Just throwing them if

Speaker 3: 21:56

They're doing, if they're doing 10 surgeries in one day, no, you are not. You are a number. You are literally a number,

Speaker 2: 22:03

A lot of doctors too, but you have to be careful with that because if a surgeon does maybe, you know, tiny surgeries, they can do five to six tiny surgeries. But if it's like a full mommy makeover and it's , then it's two surgeries for the day, you know, or three surgeries, depending on what that mommy makeover is. But if it's just the bam at rhino and they're single cases, those typically take an hour and a half to two hours. But for example, I'm talking about, yeah, no,

Speaker 3: 22:35

I know what you mean. It's five o'clock and you can't eat or drink anything after midnight. Yeah.

Speaker 2: 22:42

That's a tough day. They will adjust it though. So they'll tell you nothing to eat or drink after 5:00 AM sometimes. Yes.

Speaker 3: 22:52

And then I think like, if you ,

Speaker 2: 22:54

When does the doctor have time to eat or drink? That's a good point. The then the Ben comes up the point that I know a lot of women have seen and have questioned is, was my surgeon, the one doing my surgery or was it somebody else? Because they're seeing uneven sides. They're seeing completely different work, like on one side compared to the other and their questions of course, like, or what happens is , and that's why the communication is important ahead of time. Cause you know, the practice, you know, and just ask that question. I mean, that's straight up. I mean, it is what it is. These women that I've , I'm sorry, these women that I've seen in these groups, they can't get ahold of anybody in the office. They're like, those are, they only get communication by email. They don't, you know, they can't call and talk to their coordinator like, Hey, you know what? I'm actually feeling a little nervous. Can you talk to me about how, when do I have to change my implants out? Yeah. Like that's a question that is common makes women nervous when they're, you know , thinking about getting an augmentation for the very first time, you know, maybe they went back and they talked about it with their family and now they have questions. So that's an easy question. You can call your coordinator and talk to them, but there's offices where they, there is no communication. No, cause they're busy chasing the dollar. Well then that's it not the office that you need to go to.

Speaker 3: 24:20

There's plenty of us out there that,

Speaker 2: 24:22

You know, are overly qualified in my opinion. And that can answer those simple questions. The staff that has been there for years and years, they can answer that question easily without you having to go directly to the doctor. You touched on massages. So let's talk about massages, massages. Some places include them as some I've. I know I've worked at facilities that include at least one or sometimes two. They also include other heat treatments, but massages like the radio frequency , I think massages can be like a whole episode, honestly. Yes. I think I might actually I'm planning that's that might tie into what's included in the quote. Right? So that could be an extra massages. And I know a lot of women are wondering, do I really need 10 massages? Do I really need 20 massages? Do I need, you know, am I going to be happy if I don't do it? And I know there's kind of two stances on it for as far as surgeons that you have your surgeons who are, you know, you very lenient, you only need a couple, maybe three or four massages and you know, every two weeks you should be fine. It's just releasing some of that drainage. And then there's the other side of doctors who are like, you need to have a massage, like every other day for the next 30 days, hands on what you're doing and to what you've started with because your friend is a different size than you are. Right? Right. So you're gonna have a different surgery than your friend. So you're going to have a different recovery than your friend, you know? So it's good to lean on the staff and the doctor post-surgery what is required or needed. But it's a great question on the front end to ask, is it included because am I going to be out this feat if I need it? The massages. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think melody depends on the procedure and the doctor. There are some doctors who it's non-negotiable if you do not have the massages planned and ready, you're not having surgery with me because of the results that you want. And it also goes back to what you were saying as far as your results. So if you look at that wish picture and you know, that that person was a doll of whoever and they did massages,

Speaker 3: 26:47

You go get the massages

Speaker 2: 26:49

Or don't expect the same results. And I do believe it's all about calibrating expectations. Yeah, absolutely. 100 perfectly said . And also from the office also as a patient and making sure you're planning for that aftercare, because it's just as important as the surgeon and choosing the correct aftercare facility. That's a whole episode. That's the whole series , totally massages, recovery houses, recovery houses, all of that . Those are some good topics, but they need their own episodes. Just know that that should be itemized out on the quote if it's included or if it's not included so that you know that on the forefront and can plan for it. It's like prescriptions. If you want to factor that into your budget, then that's what you, another thing to make sure is listed out on your quote. If you've talked with your surgeon about implants, make sure your implants are listed in your quote. You don't want to like for multiple procedures, if you had a breast lift with augmentation and then you looked at your quote and you, it was just a breast lift, maybe your surgeon and you didn't communicate. Right, right. He thought you didn't want implants, but you were okay. Or whatever. Make sure your implants are listed. Make sure everything is on your quote. Yeah. There's a lot of information given at the consultation, but that's a great point because if it's not on there, it's not included. It's not on there. It's not included. And the only person to be a smart consumer, the person that's going to be upset is not going to be the office. It's going to be the patient. It's going to be you because you, maybe you looked at your quote quickly and it was 10,500. And you're like, okay, I'm going to get my, everything I wanted for this amount. And you know, maybe you didn't look at the second page of that email. And that was the second part of that quote. It should be in layman's terms. Just basically like implants, saline, silicone, what is it? Yeah. Saline silicone. That definitely needs to be listed on your quote as well. Yes. Okay. Uh, blood work was another thing I want y'all to ask your surgeons is my blood work included or am I doing it here? Like some offices are different because just in my, the office that I work for at ACPS, we have you go to your doctor to get blood work, done, CBCs , electrolytes, clearance, letter, EKG, anything like that, depending on your medical history background. So we're not going to do it there at the office, but we want you to go to a physician that you're familiar with. We don't want you just to go to any place. Now that just an EKG, you can go to like an urgent care and get an EKG . It's not a big deal, but if you have a standing history of medical conditions, we want you to go to someone that's familiar with your history. Definitely in fax that over

Speaker 3: 29:44

ASAP, ASAP two weeks before. Okay .

Speaker 2: 29:49

10 business days to be exact. Okay . Okay. So, all right , ladies, I think we can conclude with this episode am going over your quote kind of things to think about things to look for. I think this is a good one that you should bring up. Oh, revisions. Oh, reversions is very, very important. I had that written down here and I

Speaker 3: 30:14

Was cheating . I was going to add that

Speaker 2: 30:15

To our list. Okay. All right. Yes. Revisions. Okay. So when you're at your initial consultation, I feel that you basically just be upfront with your surgeon and say, Hey, if something were to happen, what happens? Do I come back in? Do you fix it for free? You can just be blunt and just ask that know straight forward , you know? But usually the top surgeons, the ones that are, you know, seniored , they're gonna stand behind their work. They're ethical and they're going to fix something as long as the patient is compliant and they're communicating. So say for instance, you're not coming in for your followups . You don't call the office. If there's something wrong or you don't

Speaker 3: 31:06

You're, you're not cleaning stuff. [inaudible] a tummy tag or your I've

Speaker 2: 31:13

Had a patient riding a horse a week after a tummy tech . And I'm like, hello.

Speaker 3: 31:20

How is that even? How is that even possible? I was like, mind blown. I've I'm telling you,

Speaker 2: 31:30

I have so many stories, but the same time, it's like, okay, if you're compliant with your surgeon and you communicate, we preach this every single episode and you have a good contact person, like an MP or your coordinator who, whoever your contact person is after surgery to say, Hey, is this right? Is this wrong? What's going on then you're, you know, you're touching base. You're catching up, you know, with the surgeon afterwards. Now if you come back six months, 12 months later, and they're like, I never liked it .

Speaker 3: 32:05

It doesn't , yeah, it doesn't work. I mean , nothing's going, you know , right. Or what not . And we're like, okay, well

Speaker 2: 32:12

You missed like five appointments. You haven't communicated. How were we supposed to know? We thought everything was good. No news is good news kind of situation. So if, as long as you're communicating, I think the best surgeons will stand behind their work. And they're going to take you back into the, or to do those little tweaks here and there. And what's not included in a revision is a BBL round to know no procedure. Yeah . It's not that the fat didn't take take. It's not that they didn't put in enough. It's yeah . A lot of patients need two rounds to get there . What they are looking for. Well, it depends because some patients want the Kim K you know, they want a completely different shape. Others just want to fill in some divots. So those are the ones that are usually the first go round. The other ones they're swollen after surgery, they get the Kim K right going on and they're like, wait, the

Speaker 3: 33:11

Swelling went down. I still want more . It's kind of like the implants when you get too big. And then they come back and they're like, wait, I still wanted more. I liked that . How it was. Yeah . So I think it just

Speaker 2: 33:23

Depends on the patient, but for sure, if you want something that's super augmented on the BBL situation, you

Speaker 3: 33:30

Might need a couple of rounds who knows . So , and that's

Speaker 2: 33:33

Not included in a revision. No, that's not. And revision. I think some patients, they deem it as a bad thing, but some patients deem revision. They just want more

Speaker 3: 33:49

Because you want more. Does it mean it's a revision?

Speaker 2: 33:52

It's there . The surgeon didn't do anything wrong. You look great. Your shapes . Great . You know, you just want a little bit, well , you just

Speaker 3: 33:59

Want a little bit more. Okay. Fine. Well, you're going to have to be a little bit more just like you would, if you were to go to coffee shop, right? You want it a little bit more coffee, right? That's right.

Speaker 2: 34:10

All right. Ladies D can y'all think of anything that we need to tell our patients before we go from there . I think taking notes, that's going to be a good thing. Put something by your bedside. I think we've spoke on this before. Put something by your bedside or on your phone. So when you get to the appointment, you have a checklist of what to ask, because you're going to forget some things. Life happens and we have a million things. Things going

Speaker 3: 34:35

Through your head. I'm making

Speaker 2: 34:38

A yeah. Initial consultation question PDF. Yeah , exactly.

Speaker 3: 34:43

Like I love it. Like I could literally

Speaker 2: 34:45

Just go down the list. Like you just asked this, this, this, this, and this, and then decide if you want it. Cause then that's when you can look at your three surgeons and compare. Yeah , exactly. This is what this price was. What was included here and what am I willing to take on? You know? Cause some patients and not to harp on this too much, but the penny pinchers that's okay. You know, everyone has a budget, but as long as you know what you're setting up for and you're okay with that. And the surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon. It's okay. You'll be fine. Don't don't feel bad that you're penny pitching. You're being, you know, a year . If you can only do one procedure. Yeah. Do the procedure. That's going to make the most change for you. And that's going to make you the happiest. For example, if you're struggling between if got a quote for a mommy makeover and you want to do your tummy, but your breasts, you know, you want to do a breast lift. My, what I would always tell my patients is you can put those boobies in a bra .

Speaker 3: 35:48

Right. But you lift them up, lift them up. You can put them in a bar .

Speaker 2: 35:52

You can stuff them. You can, there's a Victoria secret. Like we can work with your boobs, but your tummy. Yeah. You can only wear Spanx, you know, so much. You can only,

Speaker 3: 36:04

I was going to say our last episode, I think I was like, it's Houston. Like, dude, we have no cold season. It's around one week in February. Right ? Exactly. Literally the city froze. It froze. It was for my birthday, but you know, you're welcome.

Speaker 2: 36:22

Okay. So let's just recap. Okay . What we talked about in this episode is what is included in your quote? Make sure you ask. Yes. Every doc is different. What is 360? Make sure everything is kind of spelled out on your quote. Yeah. Cause 360, like we said earlier for one doctor is different from another doctor. So that's why mommy's saying that it's really, that's a specific question to ask your coordinator or your doctor because every doctor is different. It's almost like a marketing term. Just like mommy makeover 360 is a marketing term. So every doctor deems it different. That's right. We also talked about expert LL bean gold. Yes

Speaker 3: 37:06

It is. We talked

Speaker 2: 37:08

About quality over quantity. Yes. Make sure that you're looking for quality work from when you feel comfortable and you feel like, okay, they're going to take care of me. I feel good. That's what you want. Because if you trust your surgeon before surgery, you're gonna have to trust them. You're going to have confidence in what they're telling you when they're holding your hand and they're telling you, it's just swelling. It's going to go down.

Speaker 3: 37:36

Yeah. It's okay. [inaudible] normal . We haven't. Yeah, we haven't. We haven't been in, is

Speaker 2: 37:45

This for doing this for 30 plus years? For nothing. Yeah , exactly. Yeah. Okay. We also talked about massages and calibrating expectations, right ? I think melody, you brought up a really good point with that. Yeah ,

Speaker 3: 37:58

Really good patience . High five on that. We talked about

Speaker 2: 38:03

Blood work. Make sure your blood work is either included or they'll they're telling you what type of blood work you need. Yeah. It's so the anesthesia parameters basically, correct. You just have to know on the forefront so that you give that information to the practice ahead of time so that the anesthesiologist for the hospital can clear you. So that's why blood work is very important. If you are going to have plastic surgery and your plastic surgeon or your surgeon, whoever you're seeing, because most plastic surgeons will have you get blood work. But if your surgeon is not asking you for blood work, you should be asking why, why am I not getting blood work? Because those results your anesthesiologist is looking at, right? And they're making decisions on what they're giving you by. You know what they're looking or what they're looking at, what not very healthy patient. And you don't have any medical conditions say, okay, let's hypothetically your 21 year olds old. You don't have any medical conditions. You're not on any prescriptions. We typically wouldn't say you have to get something, but go get a checkup. You're going to have a general anesthesia. Like my recommendation is go get is what ? You don't know what you don't know. So you don't know that your blood is a certain, you know, level, if you've never checked your blood work. Right. You know, this actually this brings up a very good thought. I've just thought of this, where this story kind of comes into play where a patient who waited until the very, very last minute to get her blood work. And she was super young, healthy. It was just light by 360 BBL . The morning of surgery, the doctor was looking over her blood work and saw that there was some sort of anomaly with her hemoglobin and sent extra labs like before the surgery and found out that actually the girl had some sort of clotting disorder. And so it was caught before surgery. But those are the things that, the type of things that are so crucial to know before you get under the knife. So that goes back to you don't know what you don't know, use that in every situation you can use that in every aspect of your life. I

Speaker 3: 40:24


Speaker 2: 40:26

But specifically for this, because if a patient they've never had any surgery, they are super young. They don't take any medications, no prescriptions. You know, even though the office says you don't need any blood work, what's it gonna hurt to just go get a checkup. I mean, go to your, your internist, give me a full workup , full workup. I'm going to have general anesthesia electively. You don't have to disclose what you're doing. You can be private and you know, just get tested out. I think that's good. All right . I think that's it. You guys, next episode, we're going to have a melody and on Elisa , but we're going to talk about, well , okay.

Speaker 3: 41:08

How are we going to pay for this? By later,

Speaker 1: 41:14

I would like to end this episode with a huge thank you to all of our listeners. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure to subscribe to big buts , no lies podcast and follow us on Instagram at big buts , no lies podcast . If you have a topic you want me to cover, please send it to the DM . If you know anyone on their plastic surgery journey, be sure to recommend them to show. You can also visit us on our website. Big buts , no You'll see the online surgical recovery storks. We're adding new items all the time. If there's something you think I need to have on there, send me a DM. Don't forget to leave us a five-star rating on apple podcast. And don't forget new episodes every Monday. I'll see you.


